Thanks to Pulseradio for this write up.

Check Out This Write Up about women in techno.
Nice idea.  10 reasons girls who listen to techno are awesome





They stay up late, and never settle for anything but the best. They look for more from their music, their life and their friends, and are always up for adventure. These are the 10 reasons girls who listen to techno are awesome.  

1. We’re independent thinkers

For some reason, it seems that society still has this expectation that if you have oestrogen, you’ll only be into inoffensive, lyric-based songs about emotion. The disbelief so often expressed by guys when I talk about techno is hilarious to me. Techno girls don’t buy into that shit.

2. We have stamina

…As anyone who has ever stayed until close at Fabric can attest. As much as we tell ourselves that we should really start getting up for early-morning runs on the weekend instead, the repetitive nature of our music often means we’ll stay resolutely glued to the dancefloor until the sun comes up – which probably burns far more calories anyway.

3. We’ve got a trainer collection to rival any man

Whilst certain girls’ idea of a great night out might involve staggering about in high heels like an oversized bodycon bambi, female ravers have absolutely no time for this. Anything that restricts our ability to get lost in the emotion that only repetitive beats can inspire is a no-go; for us, trainers are our trophy shoes. I always feel saddened by the sight of tourists that wear heels to Egg and Fabric, knowing the deep inner pain they must be experiencing.

4.Who is this Zayn Malik?

Boyband dramas don’t even touch techno girls. If they’re not making beats, we’re not interested. Our music allows us to be more levelheaded about these things, and life in general.

5. We don’t mind getting sweaty

There’s a certain type of girl whose sole purpose in going out is to obtain the best possible profile picture from the club’s official photographer; the torturous shoes, the overpriced taxi to the club, the cancerous sunbed is all worth it for that one snapshot without a hair out of place. You can tell a true female raver, however, by her active avoidance of cameras. Getting covered in other people’s sweat is unavoidable at a techno night, and it’s best to embrace this rather than fight it. If you’re doing it right, your appearance, least of all on social media, should be the last of your concerns.

6. We’re all about clubland equality

That’s not to say that girls who don’t listen to techno aren’t into equality, but in our world, we fully expect to pay exactly the same cover charge as our male friends – we’re not here to fight over the promoter’s Grey Goose, we’re here to get lost to our favourite artists. This also means that you should drop all cliques, bitchiness and pretensions at the door – the very first house and techno parties were founded as an inclusive space, and there’s no reason why that should be any different in 2015.

7. We’re not afraid to experiment

Take several planes, trains and coaches to dance in the moat of an abandoned Croatian fort? Sure! Fly out to a festival in Iceland where darkness never falls? Sounds cool! Get “kidnapped” by a DJ’s management, thrust into the back of a van blindfolded whilst being taken to a secret location? Why not!

8. We have no time for your bullshit

There’s no two ways about it, attending a big night at a warehouse isn’t for the faint hearted. Therefore, we’re going to focus our energies into getting our rave on, doing our best to ignore the overly tanned, snap-backed men aggressively shuffling towards us like neon techno peacocks. Equally, if we’re actually talking to you at a rave, it’s safe to assume that we’re genuinely interested in the conversation, rather than hunting for our next free drink or someone to go home with.

9. Girls that rave together, stay together

Having other female friends that understand your music taste and never say no to a night out are a precious – perhaps rare – commodity. Girls that go to techno events together are fiercely loyal. Together, you share the highest of the highs and lowest of the lows – whether that’s dancing under the stars at a beach festival, or searching for the nearest tube or bus stop as the sun rises on a freezing January morning in the arse end of east London.

10. Ellen Allien, Maya Jane Coles, Sister Bliss, Heidi, tiNI, Hannah Wants, Miss Kittin, Cassy, Anja Schneider, Nina Kraviz, Nicole Moudaber, Magda, Louisahhh!, Annie Mac, BLONDE:ISH, Monki, and many many more…

Despite the relative lack of females headlining major festivals, we have still definitely made progress. These ladies kick ass and are showing the world it can and should be done – they’re basically living proof of why girls who listen to techno are awesome!

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